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Who We Are & What We Do

Based on data, there are currently over 407,000 children and youth in foster care, with 34% being placed with potentially unsuitable relatives or kin. Additionally, the transition to adulthood for foster care youth poses significant challenges, as they often face inadequate support, resulting in heightened risks of social exclusion, homelessness, unemployment, limited education, and behavioral issues.



Denise's Home is driven by a mission to create a secure and nurturing foster care center for young adults aged 14-21. Our primary objective is to provide a permanent home where they can find solace and belonging, complemented by personalized mentorship.



Denise's Home envisions innovative spaces within the center, where youth can engage in immersive hands-on experiences guided by inspiring leaders while simultaneously pursuing their education.









Our Story

Jennifer McNeal, previously known as Jennifer Turner, is the youngest daughter of Apostle Clifford E. Turner and Denise Marian Turner. Driven by a profound love for children and an unwavering desire to make a positive impact in their lives, she embarked on a transformative journey dedicated to working with youth.


This journey led to the creation of Denise's Home, a heartfelt endeavor inspired by the memory of Jennifer's late mother, whom she never had the privilege to meet personally. Denise Marian became the guiding light that fueled Jennifer's passion for assisting young individuals who may struggle with feelings of insignificance, helping them uncover their inherent purpose bestowed by God.


Denise's Home stands as a living testament to Jennifer's perception of her mother's indelible imprint on the world. Though reliant solely on photographs and accounts from those intimately acquainted with Denise Marian, Jennifer hopes that as you explore and bear witness to her mother's life as a woman, sister, wife, and mother, you will come to recognize the profound legacy she left behind. Not only was she a co-pastor and a mother, but she also blazed trails, nurtured sisterhood, fostered friendships, and, above all, served with unwavering dedication.


"I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to introduce my mother to you, as you have now become an integral part of our extended family. Thank you for visiting, and I eagerly anticipate the privilege of serving you in the future." - Jennifer McNeal

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